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Covid-19 and the myth of the “New World Order”

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

Written by: Tosin Ajogbeje / Dated: 20/14/04

The question on everyone’s mind is whether the Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the world for what we know of it. People have continued to ignite the fire with myths and accusations, blaming politicians/scientists for not seeing this coming or taking heed to early warnings. I remember hearing about this, and to be quite honest, I thought back to Jared Leto’s line in “A Beautiful Lie”, as he sings, ” it’s a perfect denial, such a beautiful lie to believe.” This is real life and the way we see the world will change forever. So, we all need to wake up and learn from this existing moment.

The Covid-19 pandemic has been speculated to reshape society in long-lasting ways, from how we travel, go to the movies or attend concerts and even buy homes. The impact of this unanticipated pandemic has changed how we interact with people. A drastic change is — our relationship with the government is regenerating and our attitudes are changing towards people and loved-ones. Minimal time has been given to war, race, religion, status or the usual egocentric talk of who the world’s best fighter is. Entertainment is still and will forever be preeminent, but doctors and frontline workers have risen as the most integral to society. As healthcare workers continue to tirelessly fight the spread of Covid-19 and frontline workers at grocery stores attend to customers, the battle against the dreadful virus feels unsettling.

A global belief is that nations might stay closed for a long time and social distancing from friends and families might extend for years to come. Aside this, opportunities that could arise include: a more innovative and flexible use of technology, a bigger appreciation for the outdoors and learning from diverse communities, learning creative things and working from home. The question is, how the pandemic will change the healthcare system, the economy and people’s lifestyle. The fear of touching things and people, shaking people’s hands, hanging out with a less “crowd of people” will in no doubt become second nature to us. The comfort of being around people might become absent in the upcoming years. Interacting and fixing up dinner dates with people online might just be the next big thing.

We are about to experience a new world with less toxic political and cultural polarization. Now that we are battling the “common enemy”, we are forced to fight against a shared external threat. We are forced to look past our differences and form “one” community that does not embrace a special political party from the other and does not care if you are black or white. Our levels of tension might continue to increase in the next couple of years, but this “moment in time” should stand as a learning curve that draws out the need to espouse a more placid planet.

Another thing that the Covid-19 pandemic could fundamentally change is accepting the notions of experts across all borders. The misinformation surrounding the Covid-pandemic has been quite overwhelming, which is why having accurate and relevant statistical information is imperative. A bigger perspective on the media platform is Dr. Anthony Fauci — a globally renowned scientist and physician who has remained commendable for giving trusted remarks and recommendations to curb the virus. Dr. Fauci has run the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for 36 years and has seen a long procession of previous pandemics like H.I.V., SARS, Avian Influenza, Swine Flu, and Ebola. Listening to experts’ give advice before or after a pandemic or a critical world issue is fundamental to our existence. Also, we might want to consider the opinions of experts in any field- the food industry, medical, technology, science sphere and so on and so forth - as germane to a successful fight against any viral disease.

Hundreds of thousands of people continue to fall seriously ill from COVID-19 and the disease continues to rise exponentially in many nations. However, there are ways to stop the spread. The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed taking care of your health and frequently washing your hands thoroughly. Maintaining social distancing at least 3 feet away between yourself and anyone is important. WHO mentions that when someone coughs, they spread little droplets from their mouth or nose which may contain the COVID-19 virus.

Touching your eyes, nose and mouth should be completely avoided to beat the virus attack. Practicing a good respiratory hygiene is consequential to your health and wellbeing. With the looming flu season, when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with your tissue. Seeking more information from your health care provider will address any fever that you might have and ensure you stay updated about the COVID-19 virus.

As we continue to fight this invisible virus, we must stay united and work together to save people’s lives and stop the spread. In the next blog, my focus will be on the conspiracy banter behind COVID-19 and the new fashion wave of wearing masks. Stay safe. Stay strong my people!


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